Chris Roebuck

Chris Roebuck

Founder of Urlbox

How performance cheats broke our website screenshots

June 27, 2024

Chris Roebuck

What I discovered when debugging our latest customer reported edge case.

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23 min read is now

January 31, 2024

Chris Roebuck

We've purchased and switched to

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1 min read

We're Hiring: Full Stack TypeScript Developer

January 30, 2024

Chris Roebuck

We're looking for a developer that values managing themselves, thrives in a calm and well organised environment and is perpetually curious about web technologies.

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4 min read

How to block image requests with puppeteer

October 5, 2023

Chris Roebuck

Learn how to block image requests in puppeteer with request interception

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7 min read

Capture screenshots from a list of URLs in google sheets

July 20, 2023

Chris Roebuck

This guide will walk you through how to automate screenshot capture from a list of URLs in google sheets.

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11 min read

Render screenshots and HTML using chatGPT

March 28, 2023

Chris Roebuck

With the Urlbox ChatGPT plugin, you can ask ChatGPT to generate screenshots and render any HTML you can dream of.

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6 min read

Generate an image or PDF from HTML

November 4, 2022

Chris Roebuck

Instead of sending in a URL to the API, send in a HTML snippet

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1 min read

Bulk screenshot generation with Urlbox

November 3, 2022

Chris Roebuck

Grab screenshots from a list of 100s of URLs

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1 min read

Block pop ups and hide cookie banners from screenshots

November 2, 2022

Chris Roebuck

Several solutions for removing these annoying banners and making your screenshots look a lot cleaner.

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1 min read

10 years of Urlbox: 10 ways to improve your screenshots (7 new for 2022)

November 1, 2022

Chris Roebuck

I rarely write about our business but this milestone felt worthy of an update.

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3 min read

How to make puppeteer wait for page to load

September 19, 2022

Chris Roebuck

Because sometimes it's not as easy as waiting for the Page load event!

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14 min read

Automate website screenshots on a schedule

February 16, 2022

Chris Roebuck

Schedule website screenshots hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or on a specific date with Urlbox screenshot API and Zapier.

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9 min read

Generate website screenshots from URLs in Airtable

February 16, 2022

Chris Roebuck

Learn how to grab a screenshot from a URL in a record in an Airtable base

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8 min read

7 ways to take website screenshots with node.js and JavaScript

February 7, 2022

Chris Roebuck

Learn how to take website screenshots with node.js and javascript. Use puppeteer, playwright, electron, nightmare, selenium, phantomjs and urlbox to take website screenshots with javascript

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14 min read

How to take website screenshots with Puppeteer

February 7, 2022

Chris Roebuck

Learn how to capture website screenshots using headless chrome via the popular Puppeteer framework.

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18 min read

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