Render Options

Render Options

Detailing all available render options for Urlbox's rendering API

Basic Options

Basic options for rendering such as setting the URL or HTML, and viewport width and height


The URL or domain of the website you want to screenshot. We will automatically prepend http:// if it is missing.

url Examples

Screenshot of
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Full page screenshot of
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Using a url which contains a query string
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The HTML you want to render.

html Examples

Preview an HTML email template
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Create an Invoice PDF from HTML
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Screenshot Gallery in HTML
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The output format of the resulting render.

The available values are:

png jpeg webp avif svg pdf html mp4 webm md

format Examples

PNG Image
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JPEG Image
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default: 1280

The viewport width of the browser, in pixels.

width Examples

Emulate mobile viewport
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Emulate tablet viewport
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Emulate desktop viewport
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Emulate wide monitor viewport
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default: 1024

The viewport height of the browser, in pixels.

height Examples

Emulate Iphone 14 Pro Max Viewport Height
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Emulate Ipad Pro 12.9 Inch Pro Viewport Height
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Emulate Macbook Pro 16 Inch Viewport Height
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Emulate Common Desktop Screen Viewport Height
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default: false

Specify whether to capture the full scrollable area of the website. For PDFs, full_page mode will attempt to capture the whole website onto one single page PDF document.

full_page Examples

Full page screenshot of
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Full page PDF of
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Take a screenshot of the element that matches this selector. By default, if the selector is not found, Urlbox will take a normal viewport screenshot. If you prefer Urlbox to fail the request when the selector is not found, pass fail_if_selector_missing=true.

selector Examples

Select only the Github logo
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Snapshotting terms and conditions
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Clip the screenshot to the bounding box specified by x,y,width,height.

clip Examples

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default: false

Enable GPU acceleration to render 3D scenes and heavy WebGL content. This is a beta feature and requires pre-approval. Please contact [email protected] to enable this feature on your account.

gpu Examples

WebGL water
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WebGL Earth
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LLM 3D Visualisation
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For render link requests, setting this option to json will change the response type of the Urlbox request to JSON. For the API, the default response type is JSON.

The available values are:

json binary

response_type Examples

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Blocking Options

Options for blocking or dismissing certain page elements, such as cookie banners.


Blocks requests from popular advertising networks from loading.

block_ads Examples

With ads blocked
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Without ads blocked
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Automatically hides cookie banners from most websites, by setting their style to display: none !important;

With cookie banners hidden
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Without cookie banners hidden
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Similar to the hide_cookie_banners option, but instead of hiding the banners, this option attempts to click on the 'Accept' button, in order to accept cookies.

click_accept Examples

With click_accept
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Without click_accept
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Block requests from specific domains from loading. You can use wildcard characters such as * to match subdomains.

block_urls Examples

Blocking chat plugin from Urlbox
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Without blocking chat plugin from Urlbox
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Blocks image requests

block_images Example

Blocking all images from Unsplash
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Blocks font requests

block_fonts Examples

Blocking all font downloads from Urlbox
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Without blocking font downloads from Urlbox
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Block video and audio requests

block_medias Examples

Blocking video and audio requests from Vimeo
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Without blocking video and audio requests from Vimeo
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Prevent stylesheet requests from loading

block_styles Examples

Blocking stylesheets
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Without blocking stylesheets
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Prevent requests for javascript scripts from loading

block_scripts Examples

Blocking scripts
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Without blocking scripts
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Block frames.

block_frames Example

Blocking frames
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Block fetch requests from the target URL.


Block XHR requests from the target URL.

block_xhr Example

Blocking XHR
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Block websocket requests.


Comma-delimited string of CSS element selectors that are hidden by setting their style to display: none !important;. Useful for hiding pop-ups.

hide_selector Examples

Hiding an h1 element
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Without hiding the h1 element
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Customize Options

Customize the look of the page before rendering a screenshot


Execute custom JavaScript in the context of the page. The JS gets executed after the page's dom has loaded, but before the screenshot is taken. No need to use load etc event handlers to run code, as these events will already have fired by the time this JS gets executed. You can use await to wait for promises to resolve.

js Examples

Inject a timestamp of the screenshot into the screenshot
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Overriding a headline
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Inject custom CSS into the page

css Examples

Highlight elements with a red border
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Changing background colour
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default: false

Emulate dark mode on websites by setting prefers-color-scheme: dark

dark_mode Examples

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Prefer less animations on websites by setting prefers-reduced-motion: reduced

reduced_motion Examples

With reduced motion
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Without reduced motion
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Screenshot Options

Options relating to the generated screenshot image


default: false

Take a 'retina' or high-definition screenshot, equivalent to setting a device pixel ratio of 2.0 or @2x. Please note that retina screenshots will be double the normal dimensions and will normally take slightly longer to process due to the much bigger image size.

retina Examples

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The width of the generated thumbnail, in pixels. Omit for a full-size screenshot.

thumb_width Examples

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The height of the generated thumbnail, in pixels. Omit for a full-size screenshot.

thumb_height Examples

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default: cover

How the screenshot should be resized or cropped to fit the dimensions when using thumb_width and/or thumb_height options

The available values are:

  • cover - Preserving aspect ratio, attempt to ensure the image covers both thumb_width and/or thumb_height by cropping/clipping to fit.

  • contain - Preserving aspect ratio, contain within both thumb_width and/or thumb_height using letterboxing where necessary.

  • fill - Ignore the aspect ratio and stretch to both thumb_width and/or thumb_height.

  • inside - Preserving aspect ratio, resize the image to be as large as possible while ensuring its dimensions are less than or equal to thumb_width and/or thumb_height.

  • outside - Preserving aspect ratio, resize the image to be as small as possible while ensuring its dimensions are greater than or equal to thumb_width and/or thumb_height.

img_fit Examples

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default: center

How the image should be positioned when using an img_fit of cover or contain.

The available values are:

north northeast east southeast south southwest west northwest center centre

img_position Examples

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img_fit=contain, img_position=north
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img_fit=contain, img_position=south
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img_fit=contain, img_position=west
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img_fit=contain, img_position=east
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img_fit=contain, img_position=center
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img_fit=contain, img_position=northwest
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Background colour to use when img_fit is contain, or img_pad is used, defaults to black without transparency

img_bg Examples

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img_bg=rgb(180, 255, 200)
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img_bg=rgba(180, 255, 200, 0.4)
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img_bg=hsl(60, 20%, 20%)
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Pad the screenshot, giving it a border. Can either be a single pixel value that gets added to each side, or a comma delimited string of top,right,bottom,left pixel values.

img_pad Examples

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default: 80

The image quality of the resulting screenshot (JPEG/WebP only)

quality Examples

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default: false

If a website has no background color set, the image will have a transparent background (PNG/WebP only)


For extremely lengthy websites, it may be preferable to limit the screenshot to a maximum height to prevent Urlbox from spending time scrolling and generating an enormous screenshot.

max_height Example

Short Website
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Pass in a filename which sets the content-disposition header on the response. E.g. download=myfilename.png This will make the Urlbox link downloadable, and will prompt the user to save the file as myfilename.png

download Example

With a filename
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PDF Options

Options relating to PDF document generation.


default: A4

Sets the PDF page size.

Setting this option will take precedence over pdf_page_width and pdf_page_height.

The available values are:

A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 Legal Letter Ledger Tabloid

pdf_page_size Examples

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Sets the PDF page range to return.

By default, the page is split into a multi page document and returns all page. Use this option to restrict which pages should be returned.

pdf_page_range Examples

Just the first page
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The first 2 pages and the 4th page
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Just the 4th page
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Sets the PDF page width, in pixels.

pdf_page_width Examples

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Sets the PDF page height, in pixels.

pdf_page_height Examples

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default: none

Sets the margin of the PDF document.

The available values are:

none default minimum

pdf_margin Examples

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Sets a custom top margin on the PDF.

pdf_margin_top Example

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Sets a custom right margin on the PDF.

pdf_margin_right Example

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Sets a custom bottom margin on the PDF.

pdf_margin_bottom Example

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Set a custom left margin on the PDF.

pdf_margin_left Example

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Automatically remove white space from PDF. Occasionally a PDF will have a lot of trailing white space at the bottom of the page. This option will attempt to automatically crop the PDF to remove this white space.


default: 1

Sets the scale factor of the website content in the PDF. Valid values are numbers between 0.1 and 2.

pdf_scale Examples

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default: portrait

Sets the orientation of the PDF.

The available values are:

portrait landscape

pdf_orientation Examples

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default: true

Sets whether to print background images in the PDF

pdf_background Examples

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Prevents ligatures from being used. Useful when rendering a PDF, and you want to extract text which contains ligatures.

disable_ligatures Examples

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default: print

By default, when generating a PDF, the print CSS media query is used. To generate a PDF using the screen CSS, set this option to screen.

media Examples

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Whether to show the default pdf header on each page of the pdf. The template of the header can be changed by setting the pdf_header option.

pdf_show_header Example

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Change the default pdf header that is shown on each page of the pdf when pdf_show_header option is set.

You have the option to show the following variables in the header (or footer) of the pdf:

  • current date
  • title of the page
  • url of the page
  • current pageNumber
  • the totalPages in the pdf document

You can display these variables by creating empty divs or spans, with special css class names relating to the variable you want to show.

For example, if you want to show the date followed by the url, you could use the following pdf header template:

<div class="date"></div><div class="url"></div>.

The pdf header template you set are inserted as the innerHTML of a parent div which is a flex container, and has align-items set to flex-start.

There are also some helper classes for aligning the divs or spans. The following classes are available:

  • left - adds some left padding to the element and sets flex: none.
  • center - aligns the element and text to the center.
  • right - adds some right padding to the element and sets flex: none.
  • text - sets the text to 8pt.
  • grow - sets flex: auto on the element, allowing it to grow to fill the available space.

The default pdf header is:

<div class='date text left'></div><div class='title text center'></div>.

You can see exactly how the pdf page is constructed by looking at the chromium pdf template in the chromium source repository.

pdf_header Examples

Showing the date and url in the pdf header
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Showing the current page and total pages in the pdf header
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Whether to show the default pdf footer on each page of the pdf. The template of the footer can be changed by setting the pdf_footer option.

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Change the default pdf footer that is shown on each page of the pdf when pdf_show_footer option is set.

You have the option to show the following variables in the footer (or header) of the pdf:

  • current date
  • title of the page
  • url of the page
  • current pageNumber
  • the totalPages in the pdf document

You can display these variables by creating empty divs or spans, with special css class names relating to the variable you want to show.

For example, if you want to show the date followed by the url, you could use the following pdf footer template:

<div class="date"></div><div class="url"></div>.

The pdf footer template you set are inserted as the innerHTML of a parent div which is a flex container, and has align-items set to flex-end.

There are also some helper classes for aligning the divs or spans. The following classes are available:

  • left - adds some left padding to the element and sets flex: none.
  • center - aligns the element and text to the center.
  • right - adds some right padding to the element and sets flex: none.
  • text - sets the text to 8pt.
  • grow - sets flex: auto on the element, allowing it to grow to fill the available space.

The default pdf footer is:

<div class='url text left grow'></div><div class='text right'><span class='pageNumber'></span>/<span class='totalPages'></span></div>.

You can see exactly how the pdf page is constructed by looking at the chromium pdf template in the chromium source repository.

Showing the date and url in the pdf footer.
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Showing the current page and total pages in the pdf footer.
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Make the pdf into a readable document by removing unnecessary elements such as navigation bars, ads, etc.

readable Example

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Cache Options

Options to control how Urlbox caches your screenshots or PDF's. Please note that caching only applies to requests from render links. POST requests to the API are not cached.


default: false

Generate a fresh screenshot or PDF, instead of getting a cached version.


Pass a unique string such as a UUID, hash or timestamp, to have more control over when to generate a fresh screenshot or PDF.


default: 2592000

The duration to keep a screenshot or PDF in the cache, in seconds. ttl stands for 'time to live'. The default value is also the maximum value: 2592000 seconds (30 days).

ttl Examples

no render link found
no render link found
no render link found

Request Options

Options to configure the browser, before navigating to the URL


Pass in a proxy server address to make screenshot requests via that server in the format [address]:[port].

If proxy authentication is required, you can use the following format: [user]:[password]@[address]:[port].

Set a header on the request when loading the URL

Example: To set the header with key X-My-Header to the value SomeValue, you would pass header=X-My-Header%3DSomeValue.

This can be set multiple times, to set more than one header - e.g. header=X-My-Header%3DSomeValue&header=X-My-Other-Header%3DSomeOtherValue.

As with all options passed via the query string, the header value must be URL encoded - so X-My-Header=SomeValue becomes X-My-Header%3DSomeValue in order to be interpreted correctly by Urlbox.

header Examples

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Setting multiple headers
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Sets a cookie on the request when loading the URL.

Example: To set the cookie with key Opt-In to the value yes, you would set the value of this option to Opt-In=yes.

Cookies can be passed as an array, to allow setting multiple cookies - e.g.["Opt-In=yes","Session-Id=DMTIzNDU"].

To achieve multiple cookies with render links, just set the cookie option multiple times, like cookie=Opt-In%3Dyes&cookie=Session-Id%3DDMTIzNDU.

To set a specific domain on a cookie, you can do the following: OptIn=yes;

You can set other attributes for the cookie such as Path, HttpOnly and SameSite

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Setting multiple cookies
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Setting specific domain and other attributes for a cookie
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Sets the User-Agent string for the request

The presets are:

  • random - Uses a random user-agent to help avoid bot detection
  • mobile - Uses a 'mobile-like' user-agent string
  • desktop - Uses a 'desktop' user-agent string This can be used in some cases to emulate certain device types, like mobile phones or tablets.

user_agent Examples

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Google bot
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Facebook crawler
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default: MacIntel

Sets the navigator.platform that the browser will report for the request. Useful for getting around certain scripts that detect the platform.

platform Examples

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platform=Linux x86_64
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platform=Linux armv81
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default: en-US

Sets an Accept-Language header on requests to the target URL

accept_lang Examples

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Sets an Authorization header on requests to the target URL. Can be used to pass an auth token through to the site in order to 'login' before rendering.

authorization Examples

authorization=Basic my_base64_auth_token
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authorization=Bearer my_bearer_token
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default: UTC

Emulate the timezone to use when rendering pages.

Example: tz=Europe/London. A list of timezone ID's can be found here:

tz Examples

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default: stable

Sets the version of the urlbox rendering engine to use when rendering the page. This can be useful for testing how a page will render in the latest version of our rendering engine.

The available values are:

stable latest

Wait Options

Options to control how Urlbox waits for the page or elements to load before rendering.


default: 0

The amount of time to wait before Urlbox captures a render in milliseconds.


default: 30000

The amount of time to wait for the requested URL to load, in milliseconds. The timeout value needs to be between 5,000 and 100,000 milliseconds. The default is 30000 or 30 seconds.


default: loaded

Waits until the specified DOM event has fired before capturing a render.

The available options are:

  • domloaded (the DOMContentLoaded event is fired)
  • mostrequestsfinished (consider navigation to be finished when there are no more than 2 network connections for at least 500 ms)
  • requestsfinished (there are no more than 0 network connections for at least 500 ms)
  • loaded (the load event is fired)

wait_until Examples

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Waits for the element specified by this selector to be present in the DOM before taking a screenshot or PDF.

By default, Urlbox will take a screenshot or PDF if the wait_for element is not found after waiting for the time specified by the wait_timeout option.

If you prefer Urlbox to fail the request when the wait_for element is not found, pass fail_if_selector_missing=true

wait_for Examples

Without wait_for
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Waits for the element specified by this selector to be absent from the DOM before taking a screenshot or PDF.

A typical use-case would be waiting for loading spinners to be absent before taking a screenshot.

By default, Urlbox will take a screenshot or PDF if the wait_to_leave element is still present after the time specified by the wait_timeout option.

If you prefer Urlbox to fail the request when the wait_to_leave element is still present, pass fail_if_selector_present=true

wait_to_leave Examples

Without wait_to_leave
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default: 30000

The amount of time to wait for the wait_for element to appear, or the wait_to_leave element to leave before continuing, in milliseconds.

Fail Options

Options to dictate how Urlbox handles certain scenarios.


default: false

Fails the request if the elements specified by selector or wait_for options are not found on the page after waiting for wait_timeout.


default: false

Fails the request if the element specified by wait_to_leave option is found on the page after waiting for wait_timeout.


default: false

If fail_on_4xx=true and the requested URL returns a status code between 400 and 499, Urlbox will fail the request with error code 400 and the message: Failed to render. Requested URL returned a 4xx error code and fail_on_4xx was true

fail_on_4xx Examples

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default: false

If fail_on_5xx=true and the requested URL returns a status code between 500 and 599, Urlbox will fail the request with error code 400 and message: Failed to render. Requested URL returned a 5xx error code and fail_on_5xx was true

fail_on_5xx Examples

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Page Options

Options to modify the page state before taking a screenshot or PDF


Scroll, to either an element or to a pixel offset from the top, before taking a screenshot

scroll_to Examples

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Specifies an element selector to click before generating a screenshot or PDF

Example: #clickme would click an element with id="clickme".

Can be used multiple times to simulate multiple sequential click events.

If the selector matches multiple elements, only the first element will be clicked.

click Examples

Minimizing the overlay
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Without minimizing the overlay
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Specifies an element selector to click before generating a screenshot or PDF

Example: .clickme would click all elements with class="clickme".

Can be used multiple times to simulate multiple sequential click events.

If the selector matches multiple elements, all elements will be clicked.

click_all Example

Navigate to a Sign-up page, and agree to policies.
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Specifies an element selector to hover over before generating a screenshot or PDF

Example: #hoverme would hover over the element with id="hoverme"

hover Examples

Hovering over the ruby-on-rails logo
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Without hovering over the ruby-on-rails logo
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Specify a hex code or CSS color string to use as the background color

Some websites don't set a body background colour, and will show up as transparent backgrounds with PNG, or black when using JPG. Use this setting to set a background colour. If the website explicitly sets a transparent background on the html or body elements, this setting will be overridden.


default: false

Turns off javascript on the target URL.

disable_js Examples

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Full Page Options

Advanced options to control how Urlbox takes full page screenshots, when full_page=true


default: stitch

Whether to use scroll and stitch algorithm (the default) to render a full page screenshot, or to use the native full page screenshot algorithm, which is faster, but can be less accurate on some sites.

The available values are:

stitch native


default: false

When full_page=true, specify whether to capture the full width of the website, for example if the site is horizontally scrolling.


By default, when Urlbox detects an infinite scrolling page, it does not attempt to continue scrolling to the bottom, as this could result in infinite scrolling! If you want to override this behaviour, pass true for this option.


default: false

Enabling skip_scroll will speed up renders by skipping an initial scroll through the page, which is used to trigger any lazy loading elements.

skip_scroll Examples

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Some pages have full-height backgrounds whose heights are set to 100% of the viewport. This can cause the backgrounds to get stretched when making a full page screenshot. If you are seeing this behaviour in your full page screenshots, pass true for this option.


default: 4096

When Urlbox takes a full_page screenshot, the maximum height of each image section is set to 4096 pixels. If a sites height is greater than this value, Urlbox will start splitting the screenshot into sections. Sometimes it is worthwhile experimenting with this number.


Sets how many pixels to scroll when scrolling the page to trigger lazy loading elements. By default, the scroll increment is set to the browser viewport height. Some pages' lazy loading elements only trigger when the scroll increment is smaller than this, however, e.g. 400px.


When Urlbox decides to split a screenshot into multiple sections, the scroll delay is the time to wait between taking the screenshots of each individual section, in milliseconds. While Urlbox does detect animations, and attempts to wait for them before taking a screenshot, this option could be used to force Urlbox to wait for a certain amount of time after scrolling to the next section, to wait for things like animations to finish.

Highlighting Options

Options for highlighting a given string on the page. These are useful for either highlighting or hiding (if you use the same foreground and background) words or a given set of characters.


Specify a string to highlight on the page before capturing a screenshot or PDF. To highlight multiple words, separate words with a pipe character e.g. Hello|World

highlight Example

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default: white

Specify the text color of the highlighted word.

highlightfg Examples

Using color name
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Using rgb
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Using rgba
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default: red

Specify the background color of the highlighted word.

highlightbg Examples

Using color name
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Using rgb
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Using rgba
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Geolocation Options

Options for the geolocation API.


Sets the latitude used to emulate the Geolocation API.

latitude Example

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Sets the longitude used to emulate the Geolocation API.

longitude Example

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Sets the accurate of the Geolocation API in metres.

accuracy Examples

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Storage Options

Options related to storing the screenshots in Amazon S3.


default: false

Save the render directly to the S3 (or S3-Compatible) bucket configured on your account.


Sets the S3 path, including subdirectories and the filename, to use when saving the render in your S3-compatible bucket.


Overrides the configured bucket to use when saving the render.


You can change the endpoint URL to use an S3 compatible storage provider e.g. DigitalOcean Spaces, Minio, Wasabi, Cloudflare R2 and more.


Override the configured S3 region when saving the render.


If your custom bucket is fronted by a CDN, you can set the host name here.


default: standard

Sets the s3 storage class.

The available values are:

standard standard_ia reduced_redundancy onezone_ia intelligent_tiering glacier deep_archive outposts