PHP website screenshots
PHP website screenshots
Generate website screenshots with PHP and Laravel
Sample code to quickly generate a render link using the urlbox-php composer package.
Check out our Composer package, and Github repo
use Urlbox\Screenshots\Urlbox;
$urlbox = Urlbox::fromCredentials( 'API_KEY', 'API_SECRET' );
$options = [
// only required option is a url:
'url' => '',
// specify any other options to augment the screenshot...
'width' => 1280,
'height' => 1024,
// Create the Urlbox URL
$urlboxUrl = $urlbox->generateSignedUrl( $options );
// $urlboxUrl is now ''
// Generate a screenshot by loading the Urlbox URL in an img tag:
echo '<img src="' . $urlboxUrl . '" alt="Test screenshot generated by Urlbox">'